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Fans, Scientists & Ballplayers
Gail Harris, Creator / Executive Producer, The PBS Series, Body & Soul:
"For those of us who suspect there's more magic and mystery to life than what's immediately apparent, The Joy of Sox offers a thought-provoking as well as humorous glimpse into the role of fan obsession in sports success. The accompanying scientific evidence only confirms what Red Sox fans - including me - have always believed: our passion matters." .
Trisha Meili, Author, I Am the Central Park Jogger:
"The Joy of Sox explores a phenomenon so special to me: I have always felt that the prayers, intentions and support of my family, friends and strangers from around the world were essential in my recovery, helping me to do more than anyone, doctors included, ever thought possible. It is not hard to imagine that, given the passion of the Red Sox fans, prayers might help them too!"
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D, Author, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and Inner Peace for Busy People:
"I may have moved from historic Boston to the wilds of Colorado, but I still cheer for the Red Sox. If distant intentionality affects the outcome of their games positively, so much the better. Stay tuned to this website for the latest scientific breakthroughs. What a fun way to combine science and spirit!"
Michael Murphy, Founder of the Esalen Institute and Author of Golf in the Kingdom and In The Zone: Transcendent Experience in Sports:
“This is central to the dance of American culture – right up there with the Boston Tea Party.”
Belleruth Naparstek, LSW, Author of Your Sixth Sense and Creator of Healing Journeys, guided imagery tapes:
"As an old Boston girl and forever Sox fan, I applaud your efforts. Sounds like a winner!"
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Author, The Mythic Path, Spiritual Dimension of Healing, and Professor, Saybrook Graduate School Fellow, American Psychologic Association:
"I am pleased to hear about this innovative project. I have a hunch that these phenomena occur more than most people suspect. I am delighted that someone is taking a serious look at them."
Cynthia Close, Director, Documentary Educational Resources:
“The issue of the intersection of science and belief, the influence of Eastern metaphysics on Western science is of great interest to many people both inside and outside the practice of medicine. Using a seemingly humorous approach gives you an opportunity to reveal subtle and perhaps profound insights to the largest number of people. This is a story that we believe will get the attention of a nation wide audience."
C. Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., President, Holos University, Graduate Seminary, and Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association:
“Intention is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Hopefully, Sox fans will continue to focus their intent for success!”

The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention is produced by 2 Cousins Productions and Pinch Hit Productions. © 2006 The Joy of Sox Movie LLC. For more information, contact

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