The producers of The Joy of Sox would like to express our thanks to the following organizations and individuals who have helped us with this documentary film:
- Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston MA
Lesley University Institute of Body, Mind and Spirituality, Cambridge MA
- Global Consciousness Project, Princeton, NJ
- Holos University, Springfield, MO
- Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR),
Princeton, NJ
Explore: the Journal of Science and Healing
- Institute of Noetic Science (IONS), Petaluma, CA
Tax-deductible donations to support the production of The Joy of Sox can be made through Documentary Educational Resources (DER), a 501c3 corporation and the fiscal sponsor of the film. A letter acknowledging your contribution will be provided for tax purposes. Please make checks payable to DER for Joy of Sox. Donations can be made via PayPal or mailed to:
The Joy of Sox
c/o DER
101 Morse Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Thank you in advance for your help and your support!

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