In This Issue:
- - PBS Updates
- - Boston Int. Film Fest.
- - SENE Film Festival
- - Ft. Myers Film Fest.
- - DC Screening
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Volume 6, Issue 1: Joy of Sox - Film Festival and PBS updates!
Hello Joy of Sox Fans,
It took a few months to get the DVD production and ordering system up and running,
and now it's time to refocus on future events, so here's what's in store -
3 Film Festivals and 8 PBS stations!
- PBS - The following cities will be broadcasting Joy of Sox this quarter
(check your local listing for times): Pittsburgh, Knoxville, Charleston, Anchorage/Juneau,
San Mateo, Cleveland, Milwaukee and Tampa. We'll send out monthly notices of upcoming
airings in other cities, with a total of 41 commitments so far.
- Boston International Film Festival - JoS has been accepted in the Documentary category,
and will air on the evening of Monday April 15 (Session 17). Details to follow at
SENE Film Festival - The Southeast New England Film Festival also likes JoS. We'll air
during the weekend of April 27-28 in Warwick RI. Details at
Check out our first official laurel!
Ft. Myers (FL) Film Festival - Attention snow birds who catch Sox Spring Training games in
Ft. Myers, this one's for you: A 7 pm screening on Saturday March 23 -
- DC - A JoS screening to raise funds for research into tapping therapies (what Salty
demonstrates near the end of the film) will be part of a professional conference in May,
but we're hoping to open this event to the public (8:30pm, Friday, May 31st). So if you're in
the Washingon DC Metro area, check out
- DVD - Just a reminder that the DVDs can be ordered
for only $20 each + $5 S/H.
Thanks, and best wishes for a Happy Spring!
Rick, Karen, Adam and the Joy of Sox team.