In This Issue:

  1. - Papi & Salty
  2. - Lynne McTaggart
  3. - Editing
  4. - PBS Updates!


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Volume 4, Issue 5: Salty, Papi and PBS!

Hello Joy of Sox Fans!,
That subject line sounds like a recipe, but it means that we interviewed David Ortiz and Jarrod Saltalamacchia recently, and have started to hear back from local PBS affiliates. Details are on the JoS blog ( but here are some highlights (saving the bombshell for last):
  1. Salty & Papi Interviews - Both interviews were great: Papi's was in the Sox locker room, which isn't much fancier than my High School locker room; and Salty demonstrated the energy technique he uses pre-game. Here at the Joy of Sox we'd like to thank both of them for the time they gave us for these wonderful interviews.

  2. Lynne McTaggart - Also, best-selling author Lynne McTaggart was our final interview "get". Her work is described at and

  3. Editing - Editing is nearly done, and a 55' version will be available soon and it's actually pretty good! We will be using it for fundraising purposes to cover our finishing costs and are hoping that a few organizations or individuals will jump at the chance to have a voice-over announcement of their support aired nationally on PBS! If you know someone in that category, please let them (and us) know. This PR option is only open until mid-August.

  4. PBS Updates! - The Joy of Sox Movie was recently listed in the PBS programming catalog. So far, 30 PBS affiliate stations have signed on to broadcast Joy of Sox some time this Fall.

    And this just in: WGBH, the Boston affiliate, is on board with a Fall broadcast! That'll be our local fireworks - what are yours?

Hope you had a Happy July 4th!


The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention is produced by 2 Cousins Productions and Pinch Hit Productions. © 2010 The Joy of Sox Movie LLC.
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