Finally, recognition from the Sox
Here's an interesting photo, with one possible caption:

Sox present trophy to “Joy of Sox” producer, in gratitude for bringing 2007 World Series Championship back to Boston.
But of course there’s a different story behind the picture. I am in fact standing next to “the trophy", but it was only because I happened to be at the right place at the right time - while the trophy was on tour at Spaulding Rehab Hospital, where I work. It seems that the Sox had agreed to take the trophy to SRH so that one of our patients, an Iraqi war vet with traumatic brain injuries, could have a look. While there, the trophy stirred up enough of a commotion that the Sox rep agreed to take it on an unannounced tour of our patient units. So when I got a “STAT” page from one of my baseball-loving colleagues, I hustled up to the 8th floor and dutifully got in line with the other patients and staff for my photo-op.
It was an odd scene, because the line of wheelchairs and crutches and able bodied people filing into the viewing room had some definite religious overtones. A bit like how I'd imagine Lourdes to be, with the pilgrims hoping for a view of the holy relic. Touching was not permitted, of course, so I’m only able to stand nearby and absorb its healing energies. A lot of fun for all, regardless of whether it was a true spiritual experience or not!
Sox present trophy to “Joy of Sox” producer, in gratitude for bringing 2007 World Series Championship back to Boston.
But of course there’s a different story behind the picture. I am in fact standing next to “the trophy", but it was only because I happened to be at the right place at the right time - while the trophy was on tour at Spaulding Rehab Hospital, where I work. It seems that the Sox had agreed to take the trophy to SRH so that one of our patients, an Iraqi war vet with traumatic brain injuries, could have a look. While there, the trophy stirred up enough of a commotion that the Sox rep agreed to take it on an unannounced tour of our patient units. So when I got a “STAT” page from one of my baseball-loving colleagues, I hustled up to the 8th floor and dutifully got in line with the other patients and staff for my photo-op.
It was an odd scene, because the line of wheelchairs and crutches and able bodied people filing into the viewing room had some definite religious overtones. A bit like how I'd imagine Lourdes to be, with the pilgrims hoping for a view of the holy relic. Touching was not permitted, of course, so I’m only able to stand nearby and absorb its healing energies. A lot of fun for all, regardless of whether it was a true spiritual experience or not!
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